
Top 10 tips for saving money: dos and don’ts

Habegger | 6 May 2024

Expectations are constantly rising while budgets are shrinking. Do you still want to take your LiveCom project to the next level without compromising the experience? So where can you make savings and where are investments essential? This is a question that we, too, face time and again. We’ve taken a closer look at the issue.

Understatement is the key word

There needs to be a rethink and an awareness that the output will no longer be the same if the budget changes. Appear high-quality, but not ostentatious. However, the aim is always to ensure that the quality and the event experience do not suffer as a result. We always work with clients to find customised solutions, tailored to the occasion and the event objectives, in order to create and stage the WOW effect.

Change of perspective

It often helps to rethink the event format, develop a new concept or adapt concept details. Redefining the experience so that it creates a lasting memory for the participants.

It makes little sense to organise a recurring event in the same way with a smaller budget and the loss of quality will be noticeable. It’s human nature to compare the event with the year before and 99% of the time the experience is less good.

Top 5 savings tips

To create an unforgettable experience for your participants even on a smaller budget, here are our top 5 do’s to save money.

Location: Research inexpensive alternatives that suit the target group and the occasion

Give-aways: Rethink needs and added value for the target group or offer alternatives, such as integrating sustainability and making a contribution to society/the environment

Expensive speakers & hosts: Choose your own employees or less well-known speakers, offer up-and-coming talent a chance

Content economy: Create a design once and reuse it across multiple events – including images and videos

No abstract stage construction: Prioritise effective elements such as stage design and technology

Top 5 non-savings tips

To ensure that the quality, the event process, the lasting memories and the WOW effect remain at the highest level, these are our top 5 don’ts when it comes to saving money.

Technology: Any technology that is necessary for a smooth process and ensures quality

Lighting: Lighting is essential for the mood

Non-verbal communication: High-quality design of decorations, branding and prints, which are a must-have for the brand image

Essential content: Content elements that are part of the common thread, the story and the overall experience

Catering:Food and drink are often the first things criticised


Would you like to find out more about the topic “Rising expectations, dwindling budgets”? Then listen to “RADAR – the Habegger Podcast” on this subject. Sandhya (Creative Consultant) and Malik (Stage Director) immerse themselves in the subject matter with their expertise. The Podcast is only availabe in German language.

Listen to episode 12

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