It's often the small but important items on the event agenda that we pay too little attention to or think don't require any coordination. But it is precisely these that can have a major impact on the entire planning process and can cause an event to falter.
Corporate event, anniversary celebration, staff party, panel discussion, product launch, management meeting, AGM, trade fair party, visitor centre opening ceremony – every event is individual, but they all have the basic pillars of event planning in common.
In the podcast episode “Event planning”, Sandhya and Malik from the Creation team talk about their experiences and give valuable input on what to pay particular attention to. They discuss details and project examples, talk from experience about which mistakes can be avoided and how, and provide examples of expertise from their specialist area.
Realistic budget
Which details are often forgotten?
Detailed process
Organisation & show – What’s the difference?
Clarify the needs of the target group and the company
What questions do I need to ask myself?
Content planning
What do I need to look out for?
Realistic timing
What needs to be considered?
Who is often forgotten and what are key components?
Choose a good partner
What is the advantage of “everything from a single source”?
Mirror work steps and decisions
Why is this helpful, even with people who are not involved in the project?
Package messages in a palatable way
Why is storytelling from A-Z the most important thing?
Plan with the peak-end rule
What is it and why does it have a psychological effect?
Would you like to find out more details about the 10 tips for event planning? Want to hear Sandhya and Malik’s opinion? Then listen to “RADAR – the Habegger Podcast” on this topic.
One contact person for your project who holds all the reins? Keeps sight of the big picture? Coordinates all trades? Has the timing and budget under control? Find out more about how we, as a leading service provider in live communication, act as an “all-in-one company – everything from a single source”. 130 employees from 40 professional fields are passionate about creating experiences and driving innovation.
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