
Suva trade fair concept

Suva provides compulsory insurance cover for employees and the unemployed against accidents and occupational diseases. For its appearance at various Swiss trade fairs, Suva commissioned us to create a new trade fair concept. The aim was to develop a stand that would bring the subject of safety closer in an emotional way.

Our approach «take care» divides the stand in three different zones to inform visitors interactively about equipment, aids and contact points.

  • «take care of others»
    In this zone, visitors are invited to take part in a game that deals with various security issues.
  • «take care of yourself»
    Using different videos, the visitors can see, which dangers exist at the workplace and how they can be protected against them.
  • «take care together»
    Here, visitors have space for a general exchange on the subject of occupational safety. There are also experts providing them with tips and knowledge.

The trade fair stand convinces with its unique design: wavy, flowing and edge-free shapes. Thanks to its modular composition, the stand can be set up in three different sizes.

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Andy Ryter

Head of Sales

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