

The SAP Field Kick-Off Meeting is an annual meeting for around 4,500 SAP managers, partners and sales staff. Participants receive information about strategy, growth opportunities and innovations from SAP. Contracted by SAP and under the management of Eventrix AG, we assumed responsibility for the lighting technology and for part of the audio and simultaneous technology. In addition, we carried out the event management during the two-day meeting.

The highlight was the SAP Band Contest, held on Celebration Night to end off the event. The bands, consisting of SAP employees from different branches, performed against each other during the evening. Contracted by SAP and under the management of Event Now GmbH, we produced a promotional video for each band. The recording and editing of the film material was carried out two days before the event in Milan. The finished videos were then shown as an introduction for each live performance.

  • Client
    SAP AG
  • Years
    2012, 2013, 2014, 2015

I am here. For you, too.

I will be by your side from the very first brainstorming session and accompany you as an idea grows and answer your questions until the project's completion. From the first hello to the next time we meet.
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Andy Ryter

Head of Sales


A small excerpt of large projects.

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