
Global insurance company – Reception area redesign and construction

We redesigned the entire reception area for a global insurance company following the structural restoration of a historic building. We were responsible for the overall interior design process, from consulting, conception and content design through to planning and construction.

The aim of the 11 month long, sustainable DGNB-compliant project (certification for sustainable construction) was to deliver a unique design for the entrance area. Working in collaboration with the client, we developed a customised design that was tailored precisely to their wishes. The 6×4.5 metre elliptical reception counter and the wall are made of Corian, so that both objects look as if they have been cast from a single mould. The material can be bonded, sanded and polished.

A task force of almost 10 people drawn from the Habegger Creation team and the client’s marketing staff developed the content for the 7×3 metre LED dot wall containing about 4400 dots. The complex construction and programming of the wall were challenging. In the background, around 1.5 million particles move according to defined parameters like a flock of birds, but never in the same sequence, as a result of which the content is constantly regenerated. The wall displays themes based on existing aspects of the client’s brand identity.

The result looks plain and simple, but behind the surface lies a solution in which design has been taken to the extreme, allowing the light to shine through the Corian when a LED bulb is activated. In the absence of a light, the surface remains clean and elegant.

Another design challenge was to ensure access to the LED technology of the wall at all times. Due to the available space, the wall was divided into seven sections, each designed as a door.

Before we constructed the LED dot wall, we simulated the entire wall down to the last detail, including content, for the client at Habegger Studios. The project ran precisely on schedule and budget, the collaboration was always productive, very intensive and extremely cooperative.

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Andy Ryter

Head of Sales


A small excerpt of large projects.

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