Every film tells a story - with the aim of imparting knowledge, entertaining or convincing. Regardless of its purpose, a clip, image film or commercial will only be remembered if it features a unique joke, stimulates the senses or conveys a deeper message to the viewer. Our team of directors, animation and motion designers and media producers pay attention to aesthetic images and appropriate narrative forms. These will lend your project a unique character with a proper amount of immortality.
Every film tells a story – with the goal of communicating information, entertaining or impressing. Regardless of their purpose, clips, image or explanatory films and adverts are only remembered if they stimulate the senses and manage to communicate a deeper message to the audience.
Here, you’ll find a team of directors, animation designers, motion designers and media producers to take on your project. We plan, design and realise film and video productions for a wide range of purposes and requirements – whether image films, advertisements or TV productions.
Aesthetic images and the right narrative are crucial for every film production. Together, we give your project a unique character that the audience will remember. The dramaturgy in particular determines the effectiveness of a story, however short it might be – and we are experts at telling stories.